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MUT() : Street Fashion of Seoul

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세상에는 이렇게 멋진 어르신들이 있다.

우리는 매일 옷을 입는다. 아무 생각 없이 고르는 것 같아도 그날 고른 옷에는 이유가 있다. 그렇게 우리는 매일의 나를 꾸미고 나를 더 알아간다. 그렇다면 나보다 꾸미는 걸 더 오래 고민하고, 자신을 더 잘 아는 사람들이면 옷을 더 잘 입지 않을까?

혹자는 어르신들 세대는 물질적으로 풍요롭지 않았기에 패션을 고민하기 힘들었을 거라고 한다. 단편적인 생각이다. 지금의 화려한 옷들은 갑자기 하늘에서 뚝 떨어진 게 아니라, 오랜 시간 사람들이 누린 옷과 멋에 대한 감각이 쌓여가면서 생긴 것이다. 물론 이전 세대가 우리보다 덜 풍요로웠던 건 맞다. 그렇다면 옷을 잘 입는 어르신들은지금보다 더 많은 방해 요인 있는 환경을이겨낸것 아닐까? 환경이 따라주지 않아도 계속 나를 표현하는 방식을 쌓아오면서, 자신만의 멋을 추구해왔고, 자신만의 스타일을 만들어왔다.

어르신들의 스트릿 패션 사진을 찍기 시작하며 종종 놀랍다는 소리를 들었다. 나이 든 분들이 이렇게 잘 입는지 몰랐다, 이렇게 멋진 분들이 계신지 몰랐다. 맞다. 우리가 몰라본 거다. 노인들은 추레하게 입을 것 같다는 생각, 젊은 사람이 더 잘 입을 거라는 생각에 어른들의 패션 세계를 몰라본 거다. 실제로는 20, 30대보다 잘 입는 사람들이 훨씬 많다.

There are such mut-ful elderly people in the world.

We dress every day. Even if you seem to choose clothes without second thoughts, there must be a reason for every clothing you chose that day. We get to know ourselves more by decorating ourselves every day. Then, wouldn't people who spend much time to think about decorating themselves and know themselves more than others be better dressers?

Some say that it must have been difficult to think about fashion in the old days because the elderly generation was not materially rich. It's a way too simple thought. Today's trendy fashion styles did not appear out of the thin air, but they were created by accumulating a sense of clothing and “mut” enjoyed by people for a long time. Of course, it is true that the previous generation was less affluent than we are now. Then, the elderlies who dress well must have overcome an environment with more obstacles Even if the circumstances are not favorable, they have been building up a way to express themselves, pursuing their own “mut”, and creating their own styles.

As I started to take street fashion photos of the elderly, I often heard from others that they were surprised with the outputs. They didn't know that the elderlies dressed this well and that there were such “mut-ful” people in the world. That's right. We didn't recognize them. We didn't know the fashion world of adults in illusion that the elderly would wear dirty clothes and that young people would wear better. In fact, there are much more people who dress better than those in their 20s and 30s.

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